Code of Conduct



    • A students who wishes to take a leave from school on a particular day, should take a prior permission from his/her class teacher.
    • 2. Students absent more than 20% of class meetings in a year shall not be eligible for appearing in grade examination in that year.
    • 3. After holidays (Summer, Dussehra, Diwali, Winter) students should be present on the day appointed for the re-opening of the school. Therefore it is compulsory that the student must be present on both the opening and closing day. In case of absence due to illness the principal must be informed in writing on the closing or opening day whichever is applicable.
    • 4. Absenteeism without permission before examination will mean a deduction of two marks in every subject.
    • 5. Irregular attendance or repeated absence render a student liable to be dismissed from the school.
    • 6. Please note that your ward will not be allowed to leave school for whatever reason once he is marked as ‘present’. Therefore parents are requested not to approach the school authorities for permission of half day leave. In case of emergency, permission by Principal is necessary.
    • 7. All students should come to school on time i.e. 07:40 a.m .. Habitual late coming may lead to asking the students to go back home without attending the school.
    • 8. In case of sickness or urgent work. a leave application sholud reach the PTI’s between 07 :45am. to 08: 1 Sam. only by the parents. In any other case, the students would be marked absent and not allowed in the school next day.
    • 9. Student’s suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class:
      • Chicken Pox Till complete falling of the scabs.
      • Cholera Till the child is completely well.
      • Measles Till the rash disappears.
      • Mumps Untill the swelling has gone.

No leaves will be granted during the test week.

No half days/short leaves will be permitted in normal school working days/exam days.

School Property

  • Every students should take care of the school property. Intended or neglectful damage to school property is a serious breach of school discipline and will have to be made good by the defaulting students.
  • Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to class teacher. LIBRARY
  • Library books are issued to the pupils on the day fixed for each class. They must return the books on time and if required may be re-issued.
  • Students must acquire the habit of reading as it is important for their education process. Parents are required to urge their children to cultivate this habit.
  • Students are expected to take care of the library books. Damage/loss of books while in possession of the students will have to be made good by the students whose name the book has been issued.
  • Failure to return the library books on the assigned day will attract a fine.

Meeting (PTM)

  • In order to ensure safety and security of students in school, access to school (normal school working hours) is restricted.
  • If a teacher wants to meet a parents she will write a note in student’s diary through the child to that effect.
  • If a parents wants to meet a teacher, he/she must write a note in the student’s diary, which will be acknowledged by their teacher.
  • No parents is allowed in school without the parents identity card issued by the school. In case the parents do not have an identity card, the same must be arranged at the earliest since without it entry in the school is barred at any time.
  • Periodic meetings of parents with the teachers will be arranged by the principal in order to ensure co-ordination in the process of the children’s education.
  • Parents who regularly fail to attend parent teacher meetings will be deemed to be not interested in the student’s education and as this is pernicious to the school in general and the student in the particular, the student may be ask to discontinue.
  • On completion of the periodic, midterm and final term examination. Report cards should be personally collected by the parents/ Guardians.
  • Besides the meetings arranged regularly, parents are expected to attend to instruction given through the diary or through special notes and come to school when so required.
  • Parents of academically weak and/or of students with unsteady disciplinary conduct, who fail to attend P.T meetings, will be deemed to be uninterested in their ward’s education.


  • One calender months notice will have to be given for the withdrawal of the child from the school. However, full fee for the quarter will be charged.
  • In case of withdrawal, transfer certificate will be issued on clearance of school dues/library books and other school property.
  • In case a student stops attending school without informing the school authorities, all dues of the school will have to be paid by the parents/ guardians till the information is received. This may, in certain cases, amount to payment of fees for the full session.
  • Those who leave the school in May must in all cases pay the fees for the month of June.
  • Transfer certificates will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
  • Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds:
    • Disciplinary action
    • Dissatisfactory progress in work
    • Detention or repeated detentions in a class, as a rule only those students will be retained on the rolls of the school who are taking the school leaving examination and are under 18 years of age
    • A student who fails twice in a class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • Where a withdrawal takes place due to the above reasons, the question of charging a month’s fee in lieu of notice does not arise.
  • The management may require the withdrawal of any student when satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
  • Students whose academic performance is indifferent or poor despite the efforts by the school, and/or whenever disciplinary profile is not satisfactory will not be admitted to the senior secondary section of the school after the secondary school examination.

Admission Class XI

The school will normally admit all the students who have been in school from nursery or for a period of 6 years.

  • Whilst admitting students to class XI, the school will make a serious effort to advise students to take up streams suitable for them in or outside the school with personal counseling aptitudes test etc. which are compulsory to all students.
  • The admission however will be barred to those students who for serious reasons of breach of discipline are threats to the general well being of other students and for serious negligence of study such as:
    • Students who have been promoted in any class from VI onwards, without securing minimum passing marks.
    • Students whose parents do not attend PTM or whose report cards remain uncollected after examinations.
    • Students who have been regularly defaulting in doing homework and submitting it for correction.
  • The decision of the principal in the allotment of the stream to the students of the class XIis final.

General Discipline Rules

The school will normally admit all the students who have been in school from nursery or for a period of 6 years.

  • The school does not hold itself responsible for injuries sustained by the pupil, for unintended negligence or natural disaster, while in the school however, first aid will be rendered immediately and injuries necessitating hospital if OPD treatment attended to, without delay.
  • Parents and/or pupils (Individually/collectively) are forbidden to give teachers gifts. neither parties, nor gifts presentations by students or parents on birthdays of students or parents on birthdays of teachers students or such occasions are allowed. A token gift of sweet may be allowed. This is to ensure equality of relation between students and teachers. Students are not allowed to organize gift for each other because this is negative discrimination among students. This leads to group formation which is not conducive for class solidarity.
  • No student shall indulge in any of the following practices namely:
    • Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property;
    • Any from of gambling;
    • Use of drugs or intoxicants, except on prescription by a registered medical practitioner;
    • Smoking;
    • Bullying others and rude behavior;
    • Use of violence in any form;
    • Making castiest and communalist remarks;
    • Truancy during classes is a serious offence;
    • Use of obscene language and/ or causing hurt to the modesty of others.
  • Students are warned about the use of illegal and obscene language against staff/students on face book or cyberspace, and clicking pictures of teachers and students and also unauthorized posting of them on web. This is a criminal activity as per law and will be considered so by the school. It causes serious emotional and moral harm to staff and fellow students. This could invite the provision of POSCO (protection of children from sexual offence) ACT. The school will take immediate action including suspension dismissal
  • The school has zero tolerance to public display of affection ( or PDA) which include any physical contact, intimate touching, hand holding, fondling, cuddling and kissing at school. Those who engage in acts of PDA are disrespecting their peers by subjecting them/bullying them into witnessing their affection and will deemed a major violation of the school’s ideals and principles. Students indulging in these acts will be struck off the rolls without any notice.
  • Students are not allowed to enter classrooms other than their own.
  • A student involved in any incident even outside the school which brings discredit to the institution either because of unpleasant nature or inviting criminal or legal action by police or the court will be dismissed from school without further enquiry. Students found possessing any reading or viewing materials of indecent nature are liable to rustication without notice.
  • Bursting crackers in the school or carrying inflammable material is considered by the schools an indicator of intention to harm others, cause disturbance and damage to limb and property and a serious violation of fundamental tenets of the school. Anyone found or reported to have carried this activity in the school either personally or through others will be suspended. It may lead to dismissal after verification.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing gulal /color of holi to school or playing with these color in the school premises.
  • Any telephone/mobile or electronic device or gadget illegally brought into school against norms is a major violation of school discipline fraught with serious consequences. Any such device will be deposited in school to be recovered by the parents at the end of the session. School will not be held responsible for any damage/loss theft of such device while in storage.
  • It is the duty of all the students to keep their classrooms and other places in and around the school, clean and in an orderly manner. They should cultivate the habit of using dustbin.
  • Before leaving the classroom students will pick up waste paper and any unwanted material from the floor and place it in the waste paper basket, will leave desk in proper arrangement; will put off lights and fans; in general the room will be left in a condition to be used again.
  • If a student remains absents for six days or more. his/her name would be struck off and re-admission would entirely be athe discretion of the Principal.
  • Leave up to two days con be sanctioned by the class teacher. but leave taken by board class students requires a sanction by the principal only.
  • Students who come to school on their own should arrive five minutes before the bell rings. No students is allowed to come to school by a self-driven scooter, motor• cycle or car.
  • Changing classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly fashion/manner.
  • Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals, sikh boys must wear a patka.
  • No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises.
  • Throwing anything at anyone is strictly forbidden.
  • The school has no policy of holding retest/re-exam.
  • Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.
  • Students who come to school in the care of escorts should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay they should reports to the security /reception counter.
  • Those who go home alone should be prompt in returning straight to their homes.
  • Students are advised to deposit the articles found in the school with their class teacher or the in charge.
  • All the students are expected to arrive on time. Students who arrive late habitually may be sent back home.
  • Bal Bhavanians should observe polite standards wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their behavior when they meet outsiders. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
  • Students must not miss any teaching, games, or an activity period whether there is a teacher in the class or not Bunking classes is a serious offence.
  • The school provides education form class Nur to XII. Therefore it is expected that juniors be treated with love and affection, while it is expected of the juniors to show respect to their seniors.
  • The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behaviors is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case any student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action, like expulsion/rustication shall be taken against the students.
  • Using unfair means in the exams is the worst possible offence committed by any students. A student indulging in this unholy practice would be terminated from school and declared fail in the exams.

Recommendation to Guardian

  • Check the haircut, nails, uniform and punctuality of your ward.
  • See that your ward carries books and exercise books according to the time table for that day.No extra books are allowed.
  • See that your ward is prepared for the class tests and brings required stationary to school. Also see his/her diary /note books regularly.
  • Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
  • Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged.
  • No students will be allowed to go home without written permission of the class teacher/ class in-charge.
  • Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her things. There should be name tag inside blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles should not be brought to school. In case of violation of this rule the article will be confiscated. The school bears no responsibility for articles lost in school.
  • If your ward is absent from school, he must make up for all the work missed by him.
  • If your ward has to leave the school campus during school hours he must bring a letter explaining the reason and should obtain the gate pass from the Senior-in• charge/Vice Principal/Principal. This must be presented to the Class teacher atthe time ofleaving.
  • Get dental and ophthalmic check up every year by a dental surgeon and ophthalmologist respectively.
  • Students suffering from diseases such as Chicken Pox, Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping-Cough and jaundice or infectious diseases like Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies etc. should not be sent to school.
  • Students suffering from chronic disease like Asthma, Epilepsy, Rheumatic Heart Disease etc. are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a specialist doctor.