Our Founder Director


Shri Ramesh Chand Sharma

Founder Director

A man of indomitable courage, sheer grit and an ever brimming penchant to serve the society – that’s how we all look up to our Reverend Founder Shri Ramesh chand sharma; the man who planted this sapling which is now a 25 year old bowering deep-rooted tree.
The man who brought productive and significant changes in every life he touched, has been an inspiration for all.
Shri R.C. sharma was an educationist with a rare vision who saw the common welfare as the paramount imperative of his life.

Mr. R.C. Sharma was a man with a golden heart whose ready willingness to abet those in dearth, earned him a station desired and envied by many.
We pledge to keep his values of integrity and empowerment intact and ever flourishing.